LSO API Test & Certification

Demonstrating rigorous conformance to LSO API standards.

Tested & Certified LSO APIs

MEF’s LSO API Test & Certification program plays an important role in accelerating the industry transformation to dynamic services across a global federation of automated networks. The LSO API Test Service provides service providers with critical tools to speed the development of MEF-conformant LSO API implementations and the necessary environment in which to test LSO API implementations, onboard partner LSO API implementations, and prepare for LSO API certification. LSO API Certifications validate that APIs can interact in a seamless, standardized manner between business partners worldwide.

MEF’s LSO API Test & Certification program has two distinct service offerings:

LSO API Certification

The LSO API Certification program enables sellers of API-enabled services to validate that their suite of APIs used for business transactions conform to MEF standards.

LSO API Certification provides third-party validation of the service provider’s API implementation, which enables the service provider to distinguish its services in the market and provide a higher visibility of validated API implementations.

Achieving LSO API Certification and being listed on the registry provides the highest level of performance, assurance, and agility and helps you gain preferred status with major buyers for API implementation.

LSO API Test Service

The LSO API Test Service offers service providers an efficient, predictable, and scalable solution to test their LSO API implementation and perform interop testing with partners at any time.

The LSO API Test Service provides the tools for service providers to accelerate the development of fully API-driven services while reducing the cost associated with that development and a platform to test changes to the API environment.

The solution consists of LSO API Buyer and Seller software-based emulators, hosted on a dedicated public cloud server for a subscriber.

Explore MEF LSO API Test & Certification

MEF LSO API Test Service

MEF's LSO API Test Service offers service providers an efficient, predictable, and scalable solution to test their LSO implementation and perform interop testing with partners at any time.

Explore MEF LSO API Test Service

MEF LSO API Certification

MEF's LSO API Certifications validate that APIs and orchestration-ready services can interact in a seamless, standardized manner between business partners worldwide.

Explore MEF LSO API Certification

MEF LSO API Certification Registry

See a list of all active MEF members holding a MEF LSO Certification and its details.

Explore the MEF LSO API Registry

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