Automation and Standard APIs: The Key to Network Transformation

Amartus’ Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Michael Kearns, discusses how multinationals and large enterprises increasingly want to connect to multiple providers around the globe to achieve the best possible networking options, performance, and reliability. How can managed service providers (MSPs) help enterprises access and manage these complex networks?

In this Executives at the Edge episode, host Pascal Menezes explores these topics and more with Michael Kearns of Amartus:

  • How can service providers adapt to address the significant changes in enterprise networking requirements? 
  • What impact are new technologies such as SD-WAN, SASE, fixed wireless, satellite and multi-cloud networking having on enterprise networking?
  • Given all these changes what will the future enterprise cloud network look like?
  • What does this mean in terms of network automation and adoption of standardized APIs and processes between providers and between a provider and its enterprise customers? 

Executives at the Edge podcast is brought to you by MEF, an industry association of 200 service, technology, and cloud providers who together accelerate enterprise digital transformation.

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