Integrated Trust Network (ITN)

Giving you a trusted identity in the digital supply chain.

Digital Business Passports for Assured Entry into Supply Chains

In an era of digital services with large numbers of suppliers, hundreds of millions of human users and billions of connected devices, the issue of trusted identity for those suppliers, users, and devices is becoming increasingly mission critical. Being able to identify the true identity of a connected user, application, or device, in real time can mean the difference between a functioning enterprise and an enterprise shut down by malware, ransomware, or any other type of cybersecurity attack. In fact, identifying users of digital services is one of the foundations of Zero Trust, which is being mandated by more and more enterprises and even governments.

The challenge of proving one’s trusted identity has been solved in enterprises for many years by using third-party ‘centralized’ identity services. However, in digital supply chains, the chances of every participant using the same third-party identity service is increasingly small, bordering on zero. This issue has been solved for the Web3 era by standards developed at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that specify how to implement decentralized identity services, self-sovereign identity (DIDs), and verifiable credentials.

MEF and the Integrated Trust Network

Just as MEF is a trusted decentralized facilitator of consensus-building between collaborating and competing businesses in the telecom industry, it is now itself part of a broader, multi-ecosystem, decentralized service facilitating the extension of trust boundaries to encompass every type of digital supply chain for a myriad of use cases.

Example: An example of the use of ITN is providing trusted identities for buyers and sellers using the MEF SLA Credit Reporting service (authentication and authorization for both the LSO Trouble Ticketing API as per MEF 128, as well as trusted identities for the circuits being referenced in the underlying SLA being reported on.

What Can I Achieve with the Integrated Trust Network?

Immediately start creating trusted identities for use by customers and billions of services (e.g., IoT, connectivity, VNFs etc.). By using ITN, companies can immediately develop a trusted self-sovereign identity to participate in the next generation of the Internet or Web3.

Integrated Trust Network advantages:

  • The industry's only standards-based decentralized identity service.
  • Enables service providers and vendors alike to both consume and provide censor-proof identity services.
  • A myriad of use cases in the digital world will emerge in the Web3 environment that will rely on ITN.

Be In the Know

Engage in understanding ITN’s Core Services

Get the insight you need to create a self-sovereign identity and participate in the next generation of the Internet. As a MEF member, you can access the latest work in the ITN Hub on the MEF Members’ Wiki.

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