LSO Payload Factory

Standardizing product models across the digital supply chain.

Simplifying the Buying and Selling of Digital Products

There is a growing awareness in the telecom industry that agreement is essential on product models so that products can be transacted automatically and consistently between buyers and sellers throughout the entire supply chain.

The LSO Payload Factory program enables the industry to quickly generate consensus on product data schemas that can be used with LSO APIs to eliminate market fragmentation and wasted resources.

In The Spotlight

Why Business Automation Depends on LSO Product Payloads

How will MEF’s new LSO Product Modelers group accelerate the availability and relevance of LSO Product Payloads?

Today, each supplier attempts to provide machine-language descriptions (otherwise known as “product data schema”), often embedded inside APIs (Application Programmable Interfaces), which they use to interface between their system and those of their customers. However, lack of consistency results in unnecessary business friction between buyers and sellers who devote valuable resources to maintaining proprietary business interfaces with each existing or potential partner.

The very important first step to eliminating this business friction was achieved when MEF started making available many open standard LSO (Lifecycle Service Orchestration) APIs, which are now being implemented by an increasing number of global service providers and solution providers.

An important design feature of LSO APIs is that they can, without being altered in any way, be used together with suitably designed product schemas to handle business for a limitless range of products.

Secondly, MEF has created a library of open source, standardized product models in the form of data schema that can be “blended” on demand with the following LSO APIs—POQ, Quote, Product Offering Availability Discovery, Pricing Discovery, Product Order, and Product Inventory—and makes the new data schema available on the LSO Marketplace.

How the LSO Payload Factory Works

  1. The MEF membership identifies a product that is a candidate for a standardized product model.
  2. For that product, one or more MEF members contribute to the consensus-building process with a data schema currently in use.
  3. MEF facilitates the review of that data schema by other interested MEF member companies and aggregates the comments and proposed additions through several cycles of review until the version of the data schema is considered stable.
  4. MEF verifies that the data schema can be blended with the following LSO APIs—POQ, Quote, Product Offering Availability Discovery, Pricing Discovery, Product Order, and Product Inventory—and makes the new data schema available on the LSO Marketplace.
  5. MEF facilitates the start of the formal standardization of the product requirements and use cases for that product, followed by the formal standardization of the product payload and the developer guide.


Through a survey, MEF determines that there is demand for a standardized product model and data schema for “Photonic Wavelength” services that haven’t previously been standardized at the service level in MEF.

One of the MEF members contributes their data schema for a photonic wavelength offering that is currently sold to their partners. MEF then introduces it to other MEF members through the MEF Accelerator Black Hail.

After several iterations of review and proposed changes by other MEF members in MEF’s Accelerator Black Hail, a new version of the photonic wavelength service product data schema is then made available on the LSO Marketplace website, which can be blended with the LSO APIs.

A standardization process is then initiated in MEF, resulting in two new MEF standards: Product Requirements and Use Cases for Photonic Wavelength Services and then the Product Payload and Developer Guide for Photonic Wavelength Services.

What Can I Achieve with the LSO Payload Factory?

The LSO Payload Factory is a unique framework in which to rapidly prototype product data models and get feedback from industry peers, resulting in your product model forming the basis of a more widely adopted pre-standard product data schema.

MEF LSO Payload Factory advantages:

  • Reduce the number of product schemas requiring management.
  • Rapidly onboard partners.
  • Reduce operating costs.
  • Enhance customer experience.

Be In the Know

Engage in the MEF LSO Payload Factory Incubation Group

As a MEF member, you have access to all the latest product models. Engage with your peers and subject-matter experts to determine priorities and “product model” standardized product data schema. Our current initiatives are available in the LSO Payload Factory Incubation Group on the MEF Members’ Wiki.

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