Daniele Mancuso
Director, MEF
Chief Marketing & Product Management,
Daniele Mancuso has been appointed Chief Marketing & Product Management at Sparkle in February 2024, in charge of developing the Group’s holistic Products Portfolio, its market positioning (geographies, pricing, differentiating elements, marginality constraints) and its alignment against Sparkle’s vision & strategy. The responsibility includes the lifecycle management of Sparkle’s International Points of Presence and Submarine Cables.
In the previous years, he served as Chief Product Management, Chief Marketing Solutions & Business Development, EVP ICT Engineering and Director Innovation & Engineering.
Daniele brings three decades of broad commercial and technical experience in building and marketing telecom networks and associated products, both for wholesale and enterprise markets, spanning from Submarine Cables and related infrastructures to L1 Capacity and L3 IP Transit services, from Carrier Ethernet to SD-WAN, SASE & Multicloud, from International Wholesale Voice to Enterprise cloud-based Geo-Numbering, Unified Communications, and, most recent addition in Sparkle Portfolio, Global IoT connectivity services.
During his years of technological leadership, he triggered the transformation of Sparkle towards an API-centric Global Service Platform, introducing the pillars of a software-defined, virtualized, and programmable network, while ensuring the full commitment of the Company to contribute and follow open standards & certification programs, of which he’s a total believer and supporter.
More recently he initiated the exploration of new technological enablers—such as Distributed Ledger Technology—as source of new revenue streams, bringing Sparkle to join as founding member of the Integrated Trust Network and as sponsor of the MEF LSO Blockchain concept.
In May 2023, keeping his Group Responsibilities, Daniele has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of TI Sparkle Greece, the major Op.Co. in Sparkle Group in terms of technological assets and number of employees.
He is frequently invited as speaker at industry events to share his vision, experience, and execution challenges.
Daniele holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Catania.