Unifying NaaS: Shifting the Network Infrastructure Paradigm

Singtel’s Senior Director, Zulkifli Ahmad, discusses “Unified NaaS” (Network-as-a-Service), an integrated networking approach that consolidates functions like bandwidth, management, and optimization into a single platform accessible on-demand. Will the benefits of unified NaaS—simplified connectivity and management, improved efficiency, and enhanced user experience—streamline digital transformation for enterprises?

In this Executives at the Edge episode, host Pascal Menezes explores these topics and more with Zulkifli Ahmad of Singtel:

  • What is Unified NaaS and what key benefits does it offer enterprises?
  • How does consolidating network resources benefit enterprises?
  • What are the considerations when evaluating NaaS, particularly around security and compliance?
  • What are the future trends for NaaS, including the role of AI/ML, 5G, edge computing, and automation?

Executives at the Edge podcast is brought to you by MEF, an industry association of 200 service, technology, and cloud providers who together accelerate enterprise digital transformation.

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