Buying and Selling Internet Access Services

Accelerating the use of LSO APIs and LSO Internet Access Product Payload for Product Offering Qualification, Quoting and Ordering of Internet Access services from wholesale operators.

Project Black Hail

This project is focused on the adoption of LSO APIs by Internet Access service providers so that they can simplify, automate and increase their Internet Access service sales to SD-WAN managed service providers.


In The Spotlight

Why Business Automation Depends on LSO Product Payloads

Current Project Work

LSO Product Offering Qualification, Quote and Order APIs are available on the LSO Marketplace together with the current version of the LSO Internet Access Product Payload. Internet Access service providers have a range of tools and programs available to them to implement these LSO APIs for Internet Access sales automation. The Black Hail project is currently focused on improving the usability of the LSO Internet Access Product Payload for use by service providers that sell Internet Access but are not familiar with MEF Internet Access standards.

The following steps are planned for enhancing the LSO Internet Access Product Payload in February and March 2023:

  • Update MEF Onboarding and Interop Testing (OIT) bundles for Internet Access
  • Develop initial example seeded from work on MEF W139
  • Run workshop for LSO Product Modelers using first example to develop first iteration of LSO Internet Access Product Payload
  • Make first iteration experimental product payload available on LSO Marketplace
  • Load first iteration of product payload into MEF OIT Seller and Buyer emulators and into Black Hail project participants’ LSO Product Offering Qualification
  • Take feedback from testing into second workshop to finalize recommended LSO Internet Access Product Payload




The global broadband Internet Access services market is estimated to be around US$400Bn. Enabling the SD-WAN managed services market, currently standing at just US$2Bn, to tap into the Internet Access services market effectively using scalable, automated APIs and data schemas between Buyer and Seller will both improve the SD-WAN enterprise customer experience and grow the SD-WAN market substantially.


The increase in enterprise demand for SD-WAN managed services is, in turn, increasing the demand for Internet Access services to provide underlay connectivity services to support SD-WAN service delivery to remote enterprise sites. The current lack of consistency between Internet Access service providers when describing their offerings to SD-WAN service providers is creating considerable administrative costs and delays to both Buyer and Seller, which is detrimental to the growth of the SD-WAN services market.

Near Future

Develop and test first iteration of enhanced LSO Internet Access Product Payload data schema using MEF Onboarding and Interop (OIT) emulators during February and March 2023.

Action Needed

Service providers, both on the buy side and sell side of Internet Access services, need to use open standard APIs for business lifecycle of Internet Access services. This involves increasing the number of LSO API enabled service providers and use of a open standard Internet Access data schemas (LSO Payloads) blended with those LSO APIs.

Without This PoC

The SD-WAN managed services market will be impeded from growing to its full potential.

PoC Participants

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